2025 State Leadership Conference Presenter Proposal

SC HOSA will make every effort to meet your requests is our top priority.

However, it is important to note that we cannot guarantee fulfilling all requests.

  1. Our Diamond partners will be given priority when it comes to being selected as a presenter.
  2. Our Gold, Silver, and Bronze partners will have priority after our Diamond partners.
  3. Submission deadline is February 7th, or until all presentation slots are filled.
  4. All presenters will be notified by February 12th
  5. All presentations should be 45 – 50 minutes in length, unless instructed otherwise. 
  6. Please be advised that all presentations are required to be brought on a flash drive. Unless otherwise specified, a conference computer will be provided for your use.
  7. If you have any questions, contact Amanda Wilson, schosa@outlook.com 

2025 SC HOSA State Leadership Conference Presenter Proposal

Please note: Partners who are at the Diamond, Gold, Silver, or Bronze level are given priority when it comes to being a presenter.

  • Tell us about you and your presentation.

  • We will make every effort to meet your requests is our top priority. However, it is important to note that we cannot guarantee fulfilling all requests.
  • SC HOSA will provide microphone, screen to broadcast a presentation and Wi-Fi.
  • Up to 350 chacters.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, png, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 2.