Fall Leadership Conference Forms and Instructions

  • Bring 2 copies of all forms to the conference.
    • One copy is to be turned in at registration.
    • The second copy should be with the advisor while at the conference.
  • Medical and Code of Conduct forms should be in separate manila envelopes and clearly marked. Both manila envelopes are required to be turned in at registration.
  • All highlight areas on both forms must have the appropriate signatures.



    • EVERY attending Advisor, Student, Guest, and Chaperone must have a medical form.
      • All Medical Forms must be in one manila envelope, clearly labeled with your school name and form name, (example:  ABC Technology Center/Medical Forms).  See the example below.
      • Forms MUST be alphabetized.
    • EVERY attending Advisor, Student, Guest, and Chaperone must have a code of form.
      • All Code of Conduct Forms must be in one manila envelope, clearly labeled with your school name and form name, (example:  ABC Technology Center/Code of Conduct Forms). See the example below.
      • Forms MUST be alphabetized