If you could offer hope to someone dying from cancer, would you?

Joining the Be The Match Registry® means volunteering to be listed as a potential blood stem cell donor, ready to save the life of any patient in need of a transplant.

You could be someone’s cure. You could literally save a life.


The families and members of NAMI South Carolina are here to help! We offer understanding to anyone concerned about mental illnesses and the treatment of mental illness.

Mental illnesses are brain disorders that are biologically based medical problems. Untreated, they can cause severe disturbances in thinking, feeling and relating. This results in substantially diminished capacity for dealing with the ordinary demands of life. Mental illness can affect persons of any age and occur in any family. They are not caused by bad parenting and not evidence of weakness of character.

2022 NSP Participants

Gold Medal Schools (donated $1,000>)

  • Ashley Ridge High School

Bronze Medal Schools (donated $100 – $499)

  • Center for Public Health & Advanced Medical Studies
  • Gilbert High School
  • Lower Richland High School
  • Pelion High School
  • White Knoll High School